Honey is available at our stand in sizes ranging from 12oz bear to 5lb glass.
Raw Honey is available in 1 pound and 2.5 pound jars
Our honey is a light amber summer wildflower mix derived primarily from basswood, clover, and knapweed. The flavor is mild and many of our customers like it better than any other honey that they've had.
Most of the honey that we sell is in the liquid form and has been heated to 130 degrees F. Most honey sold in the supermarket has been heated to 160 degrees F. Our multi-level honey house allows us to utilize gravity processing to produce raw honey that is free of wax cappings and other debris. Raw honey is sold in 1 lb. and 2.5 lb. square jars.
We do not ordinarily ship honey because the cost of shipping is almost equal to the value of the product.