Johnston's Honeybee Farm is a sideline operation running 300 hives. 100 of these hives are now Two Colony Hives, an innovative beehive originated by the operation's owner. Income for this operation is derived from honey production, some beeswax candle production, and the sale of bees and queens to other beekeepers during Spring. During 2001, a 20 foot by 24 foot warehouse was constructed for the operation; this warehouse has been used for both woodworking and honey extracting during different seasons. In 2008, a large addition was built onto the original warehouse. This addition allows for the gravity flow processing of honey. A sales room on the lowest level operates on Saturdays during the fall extracting season. The business started in 1979 while Michael Johnston was working for a commercial beekeeper in California. Mr. Johnston worked ten seasons for package bee and queen producers. He was very fortunate to work with two great queen producers: Clarence Wenner and Homer Park. He worked directly with Clarence while at Wenner Honey Farm and worked with Homer while employed by Homer's son-in-law and daughter at Wooten's Golden Queens.