e-mail address - johnstonsbees@hotmail.com
Johnstons Honeybee Farm in Eaton, NY has been raising it's own strain of honeybees since 1991. The bees are a mix of Carniolan and Italian stock. We have selected for overwintering, production, gentleness, and disease resistance. We sell nucs (nucleus hives), queens, and queen cells in the spring and early summer. Our honey is sold at our roadside stand and shops in the Morrisville and Hamilton area. Most of our honey is actually sold in 60 pound pails at a wholesale price. The majority of our honey is a light summer wildflower derived mainly from clover, knapweed, and basswood.
Johnstons Honeybee Farm has also originated two innovative new beehives: the Vertical Partition Two Colony Hive and the Combination Queen Rearing Nucleus and Comb Honey Hive. We have received two Farmer Grants to study these hives from USDAs Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SARE). These two new hives promise to allow Northeast beekeepers to produce their own bees that are better adapted for production and survival in their local areas.